
Poster Contest

Date: Monday 4 Feb 2013.

Open to individual students and to school and college teams
Participants can produce a poster/a set of posters to introduce an author, a book, a series or an idea in literature to a general audience.
Participants can register on 2 Feb 2013. They must submit their work by 1500 hrs on Monday 4 Feb 2013.
Teams (of two members) will pay a registration fee of Rs. 50/- (Rs. 25/- for individuals) while submitting entries.
All posters received by the submission date will be put up for exhibition.

 Book Cover Design

Date: Tuesday 5 Feb 2013.
Time: 1500 hrs-1700 hrs

Open to individual students and to school and college teams.
Participants must produce a book cover with illustrations and accompanying text in response to a brief that will be given at the venue.
Teams will pay a registration fee of Rs. 50/- (Rs. 25/- for individual participants) while submitting entries.


Date: 4/5 Feb 2013
 Schedule: 1500 hrs-1700 hrs

Open to individual students from school and college
Participants must produce a photograph/a set of photographs in response to a poem that will be handed out on Monday 4 Feb 2013.
Participants entering must submit their work by 1700 hrs on Tuesday 5 Feb 2013
Entry Fee: Rs. 25/- per participant