Upstage 2024



Upstage 2024 is an intercollegiate theatre festival that will be held on 26, 27 and 28 February. The venue is St. Joseph’s University Auditorium, Langford Road.
A schedule for the festival will be announced after the receipt of confirmed entries.


The festival welcomes offline productions from college/university teams under five categories: Stage, Shorts, Street, Scenematic, and Silhouettes.


  1. Dramatic productions not exceeding 40 minutes may be entered under the Stage category.
  2. Dramatic productions not exceeding 20 minutes may be entered under the Shorts category.
  3. Street theatre productions not exceeding 15 minutes may be entered under the Street category.
  4. Productions that adapt a well-known dramatic scene into a musical/song-and-dance routine are welcome under the Scenematic category. The maximum duration allowed is 10 minutes.
  5. Mime productions are welcome under the Silhouettes category. The maximum duration allowed is 8 minutes.

Productions entered in the festival may vary thus: original plays, abridged versions of full-length plays, one-act plays, or any other performance of a theatrical nature.

Productions maybe in English, Kannada, or Hindi. Teams wishing to perform in another language must inform us in advance.

Each college can submit a maximum of three entries per category for those involving stage performances.


  • Confirmations for the festival must be emailed by – 20th February 2024 along with a copy of the script that is being presented to
  • The registration fee is Rs. 1000/- per team for the Stage category. Maximum of three entries for Stage category per college.
  • The registration fee is Rs. 500/- per team for the Shorts category. Maximum of three entries for Shorts category per college.
  • The registration fee is Rs. 500/- per team for the Street category. Maximum of three entries for Street category per college.
  • The registration fee is Rs. 500/- per team for the Scenematic category. Maximum of three entries for Scenematic category per college.
  • The registration fee is Rs. 500/- per team for the Silhouettes category. Maximum of three entries for Silhouettes category per college.
  • An institution that desires to participate in all events can pay a consolidated fee of Rs. 7500, fielding three teams in each category.
  • Teams must close their registration by paying the entry fee in cash at the English Department, SJU on – 23rd February 2024. The teams can visit the venue for a tech rehearsal the same day.

Participating teams must provide the following details:

  1. Name of the college,
  2. Names of the students taking part along with their email IDs and contact numbers,
  3. The year and course/combination that they belong to.


An eminent jury comprising theatre-persons from the city will judge the plays. Prizes and certificates will be given out to the top three teams in each category.


  • No team may exceed a maximum of 16 students in the STAGE category; 4 stagehands are also allowed.
  • No team may exceed a maximum of 10 students, inclusive of two stagehands in the SHORTS category.
  • Street theatre teams shall not exceed 15 students; a team of three accompanists/musicians is also allowed.
  • Mime teams must comprise a maximum of 8 participants; two stagehands are allowed.
  • Scenematic teams must not exceed 10 participants; two stagehands are allowed.
  • Basic lighting, sound, and mics will be provided by the organizers. Tables and chairs will be provided.
  • The participants should assemble at the venue at least half an hour prior to the scheduled time of start.
  • The total length of each individual production, including introduction and time-lapses between scenes, may not exceed 40 minutes for Stage, 20 minutes for Shorts, 15 minutes for Street, 10 minutes for Scenematic, and 8 minutes for Mime.
  • Each production is allowed a maximum of 5 minutes of set-up time and 5 minutes of strike time.
  • However, if a set-up and or strike time is intended to set the mood, establish character or entertain the audience in any way, this time will be considered a part of the performance time.
  • No props are allowed for the mime category.
  • Scenematic productions must manage acting, song and dance within the team size mentioned above. Teams wishing to perform with instruments must bring their own.
  • A warning bell shall be given 5 minutes before the allotted time and a final bell at the end after which the performance may be stopped.
  • Vulgarity of any kind as well as anything hurtful directed at any particular group shall not be allowed on stage.


Transport and accommodation will not be provided by organizers. However, if a team would like suggestions, help can be provided.

For more information, please contact –

Bhaswatee Das – 7035878715/9101224256, Cassandra Pereira – 7358267672.



DAY 1 (26 February)


Street Play

Silhouettes (Mime)


DAY 2 (27 February)

Stage (Proscenium)

DAY 3 (28 February)

Short Play


Click here to register!

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