Blue Pencil 2024



DAY 1 – 3rd February

3:30 pm Who News? (Prelims+Finals) De Nobili Hall, Auditorium Block

4:00 pm Film Screening: The T.G.V. Memorial Film Review contest AV Room, Arrupe Block

DAY 2 – 5th February

3:00 pm Pre-Contest Briefing: NoseCut Faber Hall, Auditorium Block

4:00 pm The SJU Debate St. Joseph’s Auditorium

DAY 3 – 6th February

3:30 pm Presentation: The T.G.V. Memorial Film Review AV Room, Arrupe Block

4:00 pm Off Plate (Food Writing contest) De Nobili Hall, Auditorium Block

4:00 pm Sab Kuch (Proof-reading contest) Faber Hall, Auditorium Block

4:30 pm In Conversation: Ashish Rajadhyaksha (Panel discussion) Loyola Hall, Auditorium Block

5:30 pm Panel: Why we watch K-Drama

DAY 4 – 7th February

3:30 pm Mujhe Zine Do! (Zine-making contest) Loyola Hall, Auditorium Block

3:30 pm In Conversation: Shelvin Sebastian, De Nobili Hall, Auditorium Block

4:30 pm NoseCut: Banyan Tree

5:30 pm Quiet Debate: OTT is the Death of Viewership

6:30 pm Valedictory Ceremony Banyan Tree


●  The contests will be held from 3rd to 7th February 2024.

●  While the contests are open to undergraduate and postgraduate students of Communications, Communicative English, and Journalism, students of other disciplines are also welcome to participate.

●  Each department / college can field an unlimited number of teams / participants except in the case of stage events.

●  To register for events, please use the forms provided at or click on the link provided here

●  You may also confirm entries from your institution with a phone-call to the numbers provided below or an email to by 2nd February.

●  Contingents can pay an all inclusive fee of Rs 2000/- for participation in all events and entry to all panels.

●  Contingents can also pay a fee of Rs 1500/- for participation in all contests (except the SJU Debate) and entry to all panels.

●  We will also accept a letter confirming entries from your institution.

●  Teams/participants must carry valid identification from the institution they are representing.

●  Participants/teams must report to the Reception Desk at the Auditorium Block on Langford Road, following which they will be directed to the venues.

●  The decision of the judges will be final and binding on all participants.

●  While we will allow on-the spot entries, we urge those interested to register in advance.

●  A championship shield will be  awarded to the college that tops the overall scoreboard.

●  For all inquiries regarding contests, please call Christine (99011-73757), Tanishk (70047 56305), Rosemary (7203031455) or email


 Stage Events

The SJU Debate

Blue Pencil’s first ever Oxford style debate

●  Participating institutions must field a team of two to speak for and against the motion

●  Entry fee: Rs 500/- per institution

●  Participation is restricted to the first four institutions that register on official letter-head (to be uploaded via the Google Form provided)

●  The debate will be conducted in a modified form of the Oxford style debate

●  All speakers must abide by the debating standards expected in such an event

●  The topic will be released on Saturday, 3rd February

●  Each speaker must make opening remarks for a maximum of three minutes

●  A moderated discussion of fifteen minutes will follow where speakers may address questions to the chair about points made during opening remarks

●  A Q+A period will then be allowed where the audience may raise questions

●  Each speaker will make closing remarks for about two minutes in the final section of the debate

●  The Chair will make closing remarks and invite the adjudicators to announce the results

●  Judging criteria: Strength of Argument, Rebuttal, Audience   Engagement, Debating Style Cash Prizes for the best team, and for the best three speakers

Date & Reporting Time: 3:30 pm, 5th February 2024

Venue: St. Joseph’s Auditorium, Langford Road

Event Head: Christine (99011-73757)


A variation on Press Stress, NoseCut is a team event where every bit of research and good humour helps

●  Team event (two members; speaker and researcher)

●  Maximum: 3 teams per institution

●  Entry fee: Rs 200/- per team

●  Each team will be assigned an in-the-news personality on 5th February

●  Their job is to handle questions at a press conference on 7th February

●  Teams can research personalities assigned to them, as well as to others during the contest

●  Speakers must introduce themselves, and then begin taking questions

●  Speakers may use distinctive attire/accessories associated with assigned personality after obtaining clearance from the organisers

●  Researchers may assist speakers only through handwritten notes during the contest

●  Time allowed: 1 minute for intro, 5 minutes for interaction, with a warning bell before close.

●  Teams to note that while the intent is humour, care must be taken not to cause offence

●  Judging Criteria: Presence of Mind, Audience Engagement, Research, Use of Character

Prizes for the best three performances

Briefing Date: 3 pm, 5th February 2024 (Faber Hall, Auditorium Block)

Contest Date & Reporting Time: 4 pm, 7th February 2024

Venue: Banyan Tree

Event Head: Rosemary (72030-31455)

 Writing & Editing Events

The T.G. Vaidyanathan Memorial Film Review Contest

A film review contest (in video format)

●  Team event (two members)

●  Unlimited entries

●  Entry fee: Rs 200/- per team

●  Participants will watch a film and create an original review in the form of a video

●  The film to be reviewed will be screened at the SJU campus on 3rd February at 4:00 pm

●  The video entry must be submitted by 12 noon on 4th February to

●  Videos must be less than 4 minutes long

●  You are allowed to use mobile phones to shoot your videos

●  Shortlisted entries will go through a Q&A round on 6th February at 3:30 pm

Prizes for the best three entries

Screening Date: 4:00 pm, 3rd February 2024 (AV Room, Arrupe Block)

Presentation Date & Reporting Time: 3:30 pm, 6th February 2024

Venue: AV Room, Arrupe Block

Event Head: Devi Nandana (97420-58390)

Off Plate

A team event combining food, writing, and photography

●  Team event (two members)

●  Unlimited entries.

●  Entry fee: Rs 200/- per team.

●  The topic will be given at the venue.

●  Your entry should be a softcopy PDF with threephotographs, captions, a headline and two paragraphs of writing

●  No plagiarism; photographs must be unprocessed images.

●  Judging criteria: Originality, Presentation, Writing Ability, Overall Appeal.

Prizes for the best three teams

Date & Reporting Time: 4:00 pm, 6th February 2024

Venue: De Nobili Hall, Auditorium Block

Event Head: Khushi (99168-01397)

Sab Kuch

A proof-reading and editing contest

●  Solo participants

●  Unlimited entries

●  Entry fee: Rs 100/- per participant

●  You must spot errors in punctuation, syntax, prose style and register and suggest changes

●  Judging Criteria: Ordering of Information. Language ability, Editing skills Prizes for the best three entries

Date & Reporting Time: 4:00 pm, 6th February 2024

Venue: Faber Hall, Auditorium Block

Event Head: Aaron (77189-34173)

 Art & Design Events

Mujhe Zine Do!

A zine-making contest

●  Solo participants

●  Unlimited entries

●  Entry fee: Rs 100/- per participant

●  Participants will create a zine based on the prompt given

●  The prompt will be provided one day before the contest

●  Zines must consist of 8 pages and made using an A4 sheet

●  The front page of your zine must have a title that fits the theme of the contest

●  The participant’s name and contact details must be provided on the last page of the zine

Prizes for the best three entries

Date & Reporting Time: 3:30 pm, 7th February 2024

Venue: Loyola Hall, Auditorium Block

Event Head: Nikita (88489-31923)

 Quizzing Events


Who News?

Goodbye Googlers, hello guess-takers.

●  A team event for two; no mixed teams (both members must belong to the same institution )

●  Unlimited entries; Written Prelims, followed by finals for eight teams.

●  Entry fee: Rs 100/- per team.

●  The quiz will test your capacity to make informed guesses.

Prizes for the best three teams

Date & Reporting Time: 3:30 pm, 3rd February 2024

Venue: De Nobili Hall, Auditorium Block

Event Head: Devika (62354-87782)

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